Our Mission
Red Fishnet Records is dedicated to the development, distribution and promotion of music talent across a broad range of genres and styles. It is our core belief that there is tremendous talent all around us and its discovery is not restricted to reality television, specific age range or a particular listener demographic.
Our Approach
Red Fishnet Records is a growing force in digital development and distribution of music. While our artists record their material in a variety of formats (analog, digital, computer based, traditional studio) Red Fishnet Records distributes material through a variety of internet based channels including Amazon, Bandcamp, iTunes, MySpace Music, Spotify, Rhapsody and many others.
Red Fishnet Records also promotes artists through college, commercial and internet radio "stations" such as iheartradio and jango.com
Our Acceptance
Red Fishnet Records accepts unsolicited material from all artists. While we are primarily interested in alternative/pop/rock we do accept all materials submitted to us. For more information please see our Submissions Policy.